Suparno Suparno, Ary Fawzi, Taufiq Kurniawan, Andi Asari


Quality journal articles are the ideal target for writing journal articles. Therefore,
it is natural that the quality of the journal article needs to be the concern of the author.
In fact, it is very true that concern for the quality of journal articles is the work ethic and
performance of journal article writers.
In general, the quality of journal articles is determined based on the conditions
of the three quality determinants, namely the quality of the content, the quality of the
language (including spelling and punctuation), and the quality of writing techniques.
Ideally, the three conditions are in high-quality conditions. Under these conditions, it is
only natural that an article meets quality standards can be realized because of the
fulfillment of these three quality determinants.
Are these three defining conditions that have been comprehensively cared for by
journal writers for journal quality? Ideally, these three conditions are the concern of the
author, however, based on the facts of the draft journal article, it was revealed that there
are often shortcomings and weaknesses in each component determining the quality. To
equip the author of journal articles in improving content disclosure competencies, in this
article two elements of journal articles are presented which are the tools for disclosing
article content, namely language and writing techniques. The quality of the two
elements in the text display determines the quality of journal articles. Article content
will be revealed effectively and can be understood effectively if the text of journal
articles meets adequate quality standards.

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