Institute Superior Cristal (ISC)
First of all I convey Congratulations and appreciation over the latest appearance of the official website of the Institute Superior Cristal (ISC) Dili, East Timor, which was designed by the Rector, Academic Civitas and Tim ISC ISC website. Hopefully, with the appearance of new website information about ISC Dili, Timor Leste and the activities therein can be known by the public and even more interactive communication occurs between the structure of ISC Rector, the Faculty, Alumni, community, students and ISC.
Superior Institute Cristal (ISC) is a private university founded by Fundação Cristal on June 5, 2001, by 10 (ten) Dom Bosco Salesian Alumni Timor Leste. ISC has motto: “Knowledge for Development (Saber é Progredir)”, in which stands the ISC can be interpreted: “Innovative, Spirit and Creative “.
First of all I convey Congratulations and appreciation over the latest appearance of the official website of the Institute Superior Cristal (ISC) Dili, East Timor, which was designed by the Rector, Academic Civitas and Tim ISC ISC website. Hopefully, with the appearance of new website information about ISC Dili, Timor Leste and the activities therein can be known by the public and even more interactive communication occurs between the structure of ISC Rector, the Faculty, Alumni, community, students and ISC.
Superior Institute Cristal (ISC) is a private university founded by Fundação Cristal on June 5, 2001, by 10 (ten) Dom Bosco Salesian Alumni Timor Leste. ISC has motto: “Knowledge for Development (Saber é Progredir)”, in which stands the ISC can be interpreted: “Innovative, Spirit and Creative “.

Vol 8, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Sofia Nova, Charles Guterres, Sebastião Pereira, Agostinho Gonçalves, José Sarmento, Pedro Costa
Hafidzatuz Zuhriatin, Imam Suyitno, Wahyudi Siswanto
José Guterres, José Sarmento, Agostinho Gonçalves, Sebastião Pereira, Rafael Savio, Pedro Costa
Ary Fawzi, Titik Harsiati, Azizatuz Zahro`
Aquino Santos, Agostinho Gonçalves, José Sarmento, Sebastião Pereira, Charles Guterres, Pedro Costa
Ciptaningsih Galuh, Imam Suyitno, Wahyudi Siswanto
Marquita Soares, Charles Guterres, Agostinho Gonçalves, José Sarmento, Augusto Costa, Jacinto Junior
Agung Andana, Azizatuz Zahro`, Heri Suwignyo
Maria Wolo, José Sarmento, Pedro Costa, José Gonçalves, Luis Santos
Lutfiah Aini, Kusubakti Andajani, Martutik Martutik
Lourença Jesus, José Sarmento, Charles Guterres, Francelino Ximenes, Jacinto Junior, Jose Gonçalves
Monicha Billa, Imam Suyitno, Wahyudi Siswanto
Afonso Belo, Alexandre Guterres, Aderita Takeleb, Agostinho Gonçalves
Sabino Borges, Augusto Costa, Sebastião Pereira, Santos Gonvalves
Dewi Ariani
Adi Prasetyawan