Islamic boarding schools have made many positive contributions to the development of the Indonesian nation. However, Islamic boarding school are still often identified with community movements that have not been able to show good performance and achievements. In fact, there is a stigmatic impression when referring to Islamic boarding school (pesantren), what is depicted is that education is less advanced and very slow in accepting reform ideas. In fact, currently the Islamic boarding school has undergone changes that break the stigma and these previous assumptions.
Islamic boarding school is currently undergoing a transformation. The transformation is in the form of management transformation and curriculum transformation. Management transformation in the form of transformationon aspects of organizational management, and administrative management of financial management from charismatic to rationalistic leadership styles. Curriculum transformation in the form of providing subjects that are not only Islamic religious subjects, but increased to general subjects (general insight, skills, sports, and language). In addition, if previously Islamic boarding school Islamic boarding school was synonymous with traditional learning that was local in nature, now the Islamic boarding school has developed and even implemented an education pattern at the international level.
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