The covid-19 outbreak had been the critical education turnout that everything in it evolved afterward. The major change was the digitalized education models to cope with the pandemic restrictions. While the technologies brought ease and advancement to people, they also contained distractions for students. In this situation, universities began adapting to the digital learning system by promoting student-oriented learning approaches such as self-regulated learning. However, self-regulated learning that relies on digitals is more than simple. Other than its prominent traits (self-motivation, efficacy, and control), digital self-regulated learning also require the students to master the appropriate skills to avoid failure in learning: digital literacy and information literacy. That these literacies were found crucial during the ‘new’ era of digital learning, researchers called them the new literacies. Researchers found out that new literacies can be integrated and contribute to students’ self-regulated learning strategies. This article would elaborate on the new literacies’ components, how they should be used, and benefit the university students’ self-regulated learning.
Keyword: new literacies, self-regulated learning
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