The objective to be achieved in this research is (1) to analyze the significant influence of income and motivation which is partially given to the provision of students study in the General Private High School of Cristal; (2) to analyze and understand the significant influence of income and the parents' motivation for students provision study in the General Public High School of Cristal; and (2) to analyze the income variability and the parents’ motivation that give a dominant influence for students provision study at the General Public High School of Cristal. There were 500 people in the research, and 83 samples (42 CT students, 41 CSH persons). This research is a quantitative research that uses technical analysis double linear regressions that support SPSS version 23.0. Therefore, based on the research findings it is likely that there is a positive influence on income and the motivation of the parents partially for students’ provision studies where the value of T-count x1 = 3,650 > T-table = 1,6641 and the T-count value of students = 4,281 > T-table 1,6641. In addition, the income and motivation of parents influence simultaneously the student's provision studies where the F-count value 22,808 > F-table 3.11. Similarly, the equation value of double linear regression Y= 22,113 + 0,307 X1+ 0,374 X2. In the same way, the determinant coefficient value of an independent variable for the dependent = 0,363 or 36.3% and the rest 63.70%; and (3) from the revenue variables and motivations of the parents that have the dominant influence for students’ provision studies is the motivation of the parents (X2) with a value R-count (X1) = 0,507 > R-count (X2) =0,446.
Keyword: income, motivation, parents, study provision
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