The objectives of this research to analyze the influence of students' Creativity and Interest dominat, simultaneously and partial on regular class student learning achievement at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences Instituto Superior Cristal. This research utilized the quantitative method. Here, research organized instrument by field test to get validity and realibility through exploratory analysis. The lowest point of Alpha Cronbach = 0.57 that composed of 32 items that valid and reliable from 45 initial items of two independent variabels. These valid items utilized as formal intrument to collect the data. The dependent variable was taken from the GPA of the student at final semester 2019. The Collected data was analyzed with multiple linear regression analysis techniques by SPSS windows 21. The result proved tcount = 4.344 > from the ttable = 1.669. It showed that H1 is accepted at a significance = 0,000. Furthermore H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. It proved that partially the creativity significant effect on student achievement. Moreoever, interest in learning tcount = 3.176 > from the ttable of 1.669 then H2 is accepted at a significance = 0.002. It means H2 is received and H0 is rejected. This improved that interest in learning partially has a significant effect on student achievement.
Keyword: Creativity, Interest and Learning Achievement
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