Agostinho dos Santos Gonçalves, Charles Fatima Guterres, Liliana do Nascimento de Castro Guterres


The objective of the research was done with 20 students of Escola Técnico Vocacional de Hospitalidade e Turismo Becora - Dili to answer the following questions as in the statement of the problems; (1) Have the students of Second Grade Escola Técnico Vocacional de Hospitalidade e Turismo Becora - Dili mastered plural nouns? (2) What is their level of mastery? The method that used in this study was the qualitative method to describe the students’ level of mastery in using plural nouns. In order to analyze the students’ level of mastery, the researcher administered the test to the students with the total number of test were 40 numbers of multiply choices. Based on the data analysis of the result of conducting research showed that the second grade students of Escola Técnico Vocacional de Hospitalidade e Turismo Becora - Dili in the school year 2019 have mastered in using Plural nouns. Their level of mastery in using plural nouns was 81.5% which classified as GOOD level.    Lastly the writer would like to recommended to the local English teachers and students that the teaching and learning of English plural nouns must be taught through various types of method that makes students active in learning a foreign language. The teacher must make the list of regular and irregular plural nouns which facilitate the students easier to understand.

Keyword: Mastery, Plural Nouns

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