Agostinho dos Santos Gonçalves, José António Sarmento, Sebastião Pereira, Agustinho Bere Ati


The objective of the research is to describe types of errors are committed
to writing skill by the second-grade students of Vocational Technical
school Nu.1 in Atabae and the difficulties faced by the second-grade
students in writing of using Simple Present Tense. The method that used
to conduct the research was Descriptive Analysis which is to describe
the types of errors which had been committed by the students. The
results of research are 96.6% committed omission morphological errors,
30% committed omission syntactic errors, 56% committed addition
morphological errors, 30% committed addition syntactic errors, 4.3%
committed selection morphological errors, 8.7% committed selection
syntactic errors. For instance, and 48% committed disordering
pronunciation errors. There were none of the students committed in
addition lexicon errors, ordering morphology, ordering syntax and
ordering lexicon. The difficulties that faced by the students is the
differences between the culture of the English language as foreign and
their first local language. So those errors are influenced or brought by
the First language (L1) to the Target language (L2).

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