Adolina V. Lefaan, Anthon Maturbongs


The local language is a symbol possessed by every ethnic group in
Indonesia. Local languages or vernaculars are the assets of a country that
needed to be maintained. The trend of using foreign languages and slangs
had put aside the use of local languages. This research was aimed at
describing the maintenance of local languages in the area of Jayapura
regency. This qualitative study used Bogdan and Taylor model (1992:22
), and Moleong (2003:3), confirmed that the procedure of qualitative
research will result in descriptive data in the form of speech and writing,
as well as behavior that can be observed from the people (subjects). The
results of the research indicated that the number of local language
speakers in Jayapura regency started to run out. The reason behind this is
that many parents did not use the local language at the home; and
therefore, the children used other languages. The young people tend to
use Papuan Malay language or slang and Indonesian, instead of the local

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