Indra Suherjanto, Maryaeni Maryaeni


Literary works are socio-cultural documentation that contains events in people's lives. Poverty is a phenomenal problem throughout history in a country. Indonesia is a country that has experienced a decline in poverty, especially after the collapse of the New Order. The depiction of state of poverty that occurs in Indonesia is depicted in the drama script Kampung Kardus by Gepeng Nugroho. Based on the phenomenon in the drama script, it is formulated as follows: (1) what is the form of poverty in the text of the Kardus Desa script by Gepeng Nugroho, (2) how is the depiction of poverty factors in the drama text Kampung Kardus by Gepeng Nugroho, (3) what is the impact of poverty in the drama script Kampung Kardus by Gepeng Nugroho. The method used is descriptive qualitative with a Literary Sociology study approach. The data source is "Kardus Village" in the manuscript by Gepeng Nugroho, while the data is in the form of text quotations in the existing manuscript. Data collection techniques are carried out by reading, recording, identifying, and processing data. The results of the analysis show that forms of poverty can be seen in the storyline of Kardus Gepeng Nugroho Village, related to poverty in the form of community culture which is difficult to develop even though living in a big city. The settlement is still very limited, poor, and with low education. This form of poverty is caused by an environment that tends to be slump and disorganized, families that are less supportive of developing themselves, and people who tend to live in poverty. Poverty as a form of social problem that occurs is a factor that causes the community to avoid or resolve the problems of socio-economic life. It is hoped that the events of this drama script will make all members of society aware of the problems of poverty that occur in society. People understand social problems and their causes so that in living in society they can avoid negative things due to poverty.

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