The library collection evaluation of education based on the conceptus method aims to determine the conditions of the distribution scope, chronological scope, language scope, depth, strength, and weakness of the education collection. This study used a quantitative evaluative approach and to obtain data that supported this method, researchers conducted surveys, document analysis and interviews. Analysis of the data is done by matching the title, year of issue, information content, and use of the language of the collection, to the standards present in the conceptus. The actual level of the educational subject collection will also be matched or compared to the level expected by the evaluator to know the level gap. The evaluation of the distribution scope of the collection in the education sector has not been evenly distributed, but it is in accordance with the needs. The evaluation of the chronological scope of the education field collection is not yet up-to-date. The evaluation of the scope of language collection in the education sector is still in the range of level I to W with predominantly level I. The evaluation of the depth of the collection in the education sector is in the range of 0 to 4 levels, which is dominated by 1b levels. The strength of the education collection is in class numbers 371 and 378, while the weaknesses are in class numbers 376 and 377.
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