Natalino Pereira Parada, Evaliza Soares


This thesis is entitled “A Contrastive Study of Using Simple Present Tense between English and Tetum Praça. It is a contrastive study because it is aimed to identify the similarities and differences between English and Tetum Praça. In order to find out the similarities and differences, the writer used sentence patterns in English Simple Present Tense to compare with Tetum Praça  in order to find out the difficulties that faced by both native speakers of English and Tetum Praça. Contrastive method approach is used to analyze the collected data. This is because contrastive approach comprises the description, selection, contrasting and predicting. Meaning, in the process of analyzing the data, it pays more focuses on explanations and interpretation. So, it is a qualitative descriptive research. The research shows that there are some similarities and differences between both languages (English and Tetum Praça) in forming affirmatives, negatives, and interrogatives in Simple Present Tense.

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