This study aims to determine the effect of emotional intelligence on learning achievement in the Discourse Analysis course of students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Indonesian Christian University Toraja. Research using quantitative design. The research sample consisted of 20 students who were determined by random sampling. To measure emotional intelligence, a questionnaire instrument was used, while learning achievement was determined based on the results of the midterm and end of semester tests. Data analysis using inferential statistical calculations. The results showed that there was an effect of emotional intelligence on student achievement in the Discourse Analysis course, which was 26.7%. The remaining 73.3% is influenced by other factors. The results of the regression analysis obtained a constant value of 112.044 and the regression coefficient for the emotional intelligence variable was 0.374, so that a simple linear regression equation Y = 112.044 + 0.374X was obtained. From these results, it can be concluded that emotional intelligence influences student achievement. Thus, it is suggested that in order to improve student learning achievement, it is necessary to foster and develop students' emotional intelligence.
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