Sabino Borges, Manuel Brito, Augusto Costa, Natalino Parada, Agostinho Agostinho


This aims to describe the influence of work motivation, discipline, and professional competence on teachers' performance in vocational technical secondary education-technology and industry Group Becora, Dili. The type of research is quantitative descriptive. The research population is all teachers in mentioning school composed of 89 people. While the purposive sampling of 89 people. Technique collecting data with observation, documentation, and questionnaire. The technique to analyze data is assumed multiple linear regression with a normality test, autocorrelation test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. However, it is the final test of the hypothesis with the t-test and F-test. Based on the hypothesis test result on the t-test showed that work motivation 0.369 > 0.05 or t-count (0.904) < t-table (2.000) significant there is no influenced of work motivation on teacher performance. Discipline 0.005 < 0.05 or t-count (2.888) > t-table (2.000) There is a significant influenced of work discipline on teacher performance. Professional competence 0.039 < 0.05 or t-count (2,096) > ttable (2,000) significant there is influenced of professional competence on teacher performance. It is based on the F-test result of a significant value for the 3 independent variables simultaneously influenced on teacher's performance with 0.002 < 0.05 and the value Fcount (5,586) > Ftable (2,711) means there are effects of the service motivation, service discipline and professional competence simultaneously for teacher performance.

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