Natersia Monteiro, Jose Sarmento, Jorge Orleans, Sebastião Pereira, Agostinho Goncalves


The objectives of the study were to know the effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in teaching Simple Present Tense and to know the differences between before and after the using Cooperative Learning approach. The researcher used the Classroom Action Research method. The Participant of the research are 210 students in grade 1 and the sample are 24 students from Escola de Hospitalities e Turismo Becora Dili. The researcher used 40 numbers of multiple choice for pre-and post-test. The result of the data analysis is that the four elements of cooperative learning are an effective strategy to teach simple present tenses. Those elements are (1) positive interdependence, (2) individual accountability, (3) face-to-face interaction, and (4) Jigsaw. The mean score of pre-tests = 3.4. After using four types of cooperative learning the mean score of post-test=7.1. This expressed a significant difference between before and after treatment. The result of differences means scores of pre and post-test were calculated as the result of the t-test was 16.10 > t-table was 2.064. There using cooperative learning was a helpful strategy to teach Simple Present.

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