Nia Budiana, Imam Suyitno


Covid-19 pandemic has changed BIPA learning. The number of foreign students studying BIPA is increasing because learning can be accessed easily and flexibly with the help of digital technology. The large number of BIPA learners is not sufficient with sufficient BIPA learning materials. The government has provided BIPA textbooks which were published in 2016 and have not been packaged in an attractive digital display. The book contains teaching materials for reading explanatory texts whose themes are no longer relevant when applied to the current era. Learners' understanding of the social context and society in which they live is very important to assist their understanding in reading activities. This study aims to develop teaching materials for reading explanatory texts through a contextual approach so that learners can find the social context behind a reading and understand what they read. This explanatory text writing teaching material needs to be packaged using technology assistance, namely using a wakelet platform to make it easier for BIPA students to access learning materials at any time. The research method used in this study is the Borg and Gall R&D model which has been adapted to the need to produce quality teaching materials.

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