Ika Sriyaningsih


The opportunity for schools to become driving schools has been launched in 2021. As heads of education units, it is the principal who must step up first as a pioneer so that schools can be nominated as driving schools. One of them, SMP Al Muslim Sidoarjo, which was chosen as the sekolah penggerak in phase 1. With this nomination, there is a big mandate that must be realized. Guided by the new paradigm curriculum as a reference for the implementation of the Driving School Program (PSP), the learning committees received ten days of training by strengthening the new paradigm curriculum. In this curriculum, there are learning outcomes that are presented in full during one phase. For the junior high school level, the phrase used is phase D and this phase is passed for three years, from grade VII to grade IX. Furthermore, educators must formulate learning objectives at each level by taking into account the learning outcomes at the end of the phase. In this formulation, humanist constructivist values apply so that students can obtain results according to the learning achievement targets at the end of the phase. For this reason, the concept of a humanist constructivist in the driving school was developed through this paper.

Keyword: sekolah penggerak, constructivist, humanist

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