Adelia Isabel Guterres, Ilidio Ximenes Moreira, Agostinho dos Santos Gonçalves, Victor Jahana


The aim of this research is (1) to analyze a significant and positive influence of the type of leadership and motivating partially the performance of the employees of the Directorate of Internal Human Resources, (2) to discover the significant and positive influence of the type of leadership and motivation of the simultaneous performance of the employees of the Directorate of Internal Human Resources; (3) to analyze the variable type of leadership and motivation of services that dominate the performance of the employees of the Directorate of Internal Human Resources. The research was conducted in the Directorate of Human Resources of the Ministry of Interior of East Timor and appointed 30 employees as respondents. This is quantitative research, which uses analysis of multiple regression through SPSS for Windows 21.0. The results showed that there is a significant influence on the variable type of leadership and Service Motivation partially by variables dependent on the performance of employees (Y). Where the value of T-count leadership type = 1,819 > T-table = 1,701 and value of T-count of motivation service = 2,861 > T-table 1,701. And value of F-count = 31.651 > Ftable = 3,34. However, the results of the count and analyze double regression Y = 3.992 + 0,350 X1 + 0,534 X2. Apart from this, the contribution of the variables X1 and X2 to Y was 0,701 or 70,1 percent and the remaining 29,9 percent was influenced by other factors. Therefore, it concludes that there is a significant and positive influence of the type of leadership and motivation of the directors of the service for the performance of employees of the Directorate of Human Resources of the Ministry of Interior.

Keyword: leadership types, motivation of services, the performance of employees

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