The purpose of this research is to discover role of the school director in elevating teacher performance in primary school fillial grade 1º e 2º Ai-mutin, Comoro. Here, researcher chosen 9 informan that composed of director, teachers, the counsel of the parents and students. This research is qualitative opproach that is why, need a observation and interviewed as way to collect the data.based on the result discovered 6 essential points such as: (1) school diretor became the leader that continuely motivated teachers to increase the quality and willingness of the also become the guider and educator according to the system and the role that applied; (2) role of the school director ato elevate teachers service prestation through evaluation services performance each semestre; (3) School director has many ways to solve and to attend the problems that happen in the school area, by coordinating and transparancy with all the teacher; (4) school diretor become educator needs various approach to teach the studants; (5) School director as evaluators needs give mark to the students and motivated students to study more, (6) School diretor encourage teachers to do effective duties. Thus, this result suggested to each school director and teams to encourage and motivate in learning and teaching process.
Keyword: role, directors, teachers, performance
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