Jose Antonio Sarmento, Sebastião Pereira, Saturnino de Carvalho e Cruz


The objective of conducting the research based on the title above is to answer the following question; 1) are the second-grade students of Eskola Hospitalidade e Turismo becora – Dili in the school year 2019 able to use the degree of comparison? 2) what is their level of ability to use the degree of comparison? The method that used in this study was the qualitative Normative Survey method to describe the student's level of ability in using a comparison degree. To analyze the students’ level of ability, the researcher administered the 40 tests of multiple-choice to the 20 students. Based on the data analysis of the result of conducting research showed that the second-grade students of Escola Hospitalidade e Turismo Becora- Dili in the school year 2019 got a total score of 60 divided to 20 respondents is 3. It is indicated that they were not able to use the English comparison degree. Their level of ability in using a comparison degree was 3 which classified at POOR LEVEL. Lastly, we recommend that the local English teachers and students to learn and memorize suffix er /est and prefix more /most that the teaching and learning of English comparison degree must be taught through various types of methods that make students active in learning a foreign language. The teacher must make the list of regular and irregular adjectives which facilitate the students easier to understand.

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