Basilio Da Costa, Agostinho Dos Santos Goncalves, Ilidio Ximenes Moreira


The purposes of this research are to identify the internal and external factors and to discover the fatór internal no fatór external oppresses on teachers Ensino Secundário Geral São Francisco de Assisi Fatuberliu in 2019. This research is using a quantitative approach. All the teachers at Mentioning School become population meanwhile 20 of them are samples. It determines through random sampling. The data collected through interviews and questioner. This instrument that research arranged based The technique of analyzing the data used SPSS 21 for Windows. The result of the research proved that oppression influence on teachers services with score and interval class is 154,5 > X < 174,75. This means a high category because total frequency = 8 (40%) with normal category are frequences = 5 (25%). It showed a category higher 4 with 20%  and minimum category are 3 (15%); the two factors that used to is internal and external factors. It proves that factors external especially salary become oppression for the teachers with frequences = 7 (35%). It can be concluded that category is high because frequencies = 8 (40%) and the climate of the works is highest because total frequences = 10 (50%). This is the more influential factor of oppression on teachers.

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