Charles Fatima Guterres, Agostinho dos Santos Gonçalves, Faustina Yustinus da Costa


The objectives of the study are to experiment simulation method and to know the differences before using the simulation method in pre-test and post-test. The method used to collect the data is classroom action research. It uses the simulation as an innovative method to develop the student’s ability in speaking skills. The population of the study of second-grade hotel aria B of the Escola de Hospitalidade e Turismo Becora-Dili. The sample of the study was 20 students. The instruments used for the pre-test and post-test were administered to the students was a conversation between a guest and a hotel receptionist at the front desk. The result of data analysis proved that there are significant between before and after the implementation of teaching speaking skills. The classroom observation indicated that the process of teaching and learning skills using the simulation method was going well and most of the students enthusiastic. This method is considered one of the enjoyable activities for the students. It brings the effective for the teacher and students of vocational schools because they simulate reflect the real activities without worries to express their idea and glad to interact with the pairs spontaneously means that in a spontaneous manner and simultaneously means that at the same instant. The writer would like to address some useful suggestions to the local English teachers and students in Escola de Hospitalidade e Turismo Becora-Dili that the simulation method is a useful strategy for teaching speaking skills in the vocational school.

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