Taufiq Kurniawan, Andi Asari


This study aims to identify the inhibiting factors of knowledge transfer in the application of SOP in Malang City Public Library. Librarians tend to not fully understand the implementation of SOPs so that mistakes are often repeated and make operational activities ineffective. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. As important knowledge in organizations, library SOPs must be understood by all staff and librarians so that the company's operational activities run smoothly. Based on the data collection and analysis conducted, the researcher draws the conclusion that there are four factors which hinder the transfer of knowledge in the application of SOPs in libraries. The inhibiting factors are: (1) Organizational context that does not support knowledge transfer. (2) Lack of close relations between employees. (3) Lack of motivation (lack of motivation as a recipient of knowledge). (4) Lack of retention capacity (lack of use of knowledge). At this obstacle, employees and librarians still often use their old habits at work. They do not implement changes in the SOP in routine work.

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