Agosto Tome, Rui Alegria, Marciano da Silva Soares, Helena Mariano de Fátima, Augusto da Costa


The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether students' achievement in learning mathematics was influenced, either partially or simultaneously, by their mastery of the Portuguese language and their motivation to learn. 61 students were sampled for this research. Observation, surveys, and documentation are data collection methods; Validity and reliability tests, normality, linearity, and regression are methods for analyzing data. The findings of this study show that the research instruments are valid and reliable, and the data are normal and linear. The hypothesis test from the F test obtained the value of F test = 81.740 > F table = 3.156 which indicates that learning motivation and mastery of Portuguese have an influence on student achievement. Hypothesis testing from the t-test of Portuguese language mastery and student learning achievement shows that t-test = -1.369 < t table = 2.002, while student motivation and learning achievement shows that t-test = 10.693 > t table = 2.002. So, it was concluded that mastery of Portuguese had no effect on student achievement, while learning motivation had an effect on student learning achievement.

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