Simulation means to pretend or only copy the behavior or the only copy of behavior Simulation means the method that presents learning knowledge and uses the case copy to understand a concert, principle, and skills. The researcher used the quantitative research method that focuses on action research in the classroom. The population of this study is 200 grade 11 students of the Natural Science of Cristal Senior High School. Purposive sampling was utilized to determine the classroom. The class is composed of 22 students 12 females and 10 males. The technical data collected is questionary and direct observation. The secondary data is collected through documentation. The data analysis was using technical a quantitative discretive analysis. The result of the research showed the value of 62,25-82,25% of the 12 people obtained 55%. This means that utilizing the Simulation Method in the development of the fisheries material is effective. Therefore, each teacher should use the simulation method in conveying the learning material in the classroom.
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