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Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The articles contained in this journal include writings about research results, conceptual ideas, studies and application of theories, literature review, and book reviews.
- The manuscript has not been published in other journals and print media typed with font type Times New Roman 1.5 spaces on A4 paper, 10-20 pages long.
- The article is an original work of the author and free from plagiarism. The contents of the article and possible violations of the ethics of writing are entirely the responsibility of the author.
Articles are written in essay form, along with the headings of each section. The title of the subsection is expressed by different fonts, all of the letters are bold, italic and located on the left edge of the page, and not by numbers, as in the following example.
Grade 2 (Lowercase Small, Bold, Left Edge)
Grade 3 (Lowercase Small, Bold, Italic, Left Edge)
- The name of the article writer is listed without an academic degree and is placed under the title of the article. When the author consists of four or more persons, the second author's name and so on, are written in sequence. Article results of the research undertaken by the team, all team members must be listed. In the process of editing articles, journal managers only relate to the primary author or author whose names are listed in the first place.
- The non-research article consists of (a) the title (maximum of 15 words) (b) the identity of the author (c) the abstract in English (50-100 words), (d) the key words in English (3 -5 words), (e) the introduction (without subheadings) containing the background and purpose or scope of the text, (f) the discussion (may be divided into several sub-sections); (g) conclusions, and (h) a reference list (containing only referenced sources). The research article consists of (a) the title (maximum of 15 words) (b) the name of the author (c) the abstract in English (50-100 words), (d) the keywords (English) (F) the method, (g) the results of research and discussion (can be divided into several sub-sections), (i) conclusions and suggestions, and (j) Referral list (contains only referenced sources).
Writing references using the format of the American Psychological Association (APA)
Printed book: Author, A.A. (Year of Publication). Title of work. Publisher City, State: Publisher.
Online book: Author, A.A. (Year of Publication). Title of work [E-Reader Version]. Retrieved from http://xxxx or doi:xxxx
Journal article in print: Author, A.A. (Publication Year). Article title. Periodical Title, Volume (Issue), pp.-pp.
Journal article online: Author, A.A. (Publication Year). Article title. Periodical Title, Volume (Issue), pp.-pp. doi: xx.xxxx or Retrieved from journal URL
Website article: Author, A.A. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Article title. Retrieved from URL; Article title. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Retrieved from URL
Newspaper in print: Author, A.A. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Article title. Newspaper Title, pp. xx-xx.
Newspaper online: Author, A.A. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Article title. Newspaper Title, Retrieved from newspaper homepage URL
Magazine article in print: Author, A.A. (Year, month of Publication). Article title. Magazine Title, Volume (Issue), pp.-pp.
Encyclopedia: Author, A.A.. (Publication Year). Entry title. In Encyclopedia title, (Vol. XX, pp. XX).City, State of publication: Publisher.
- References should be from the past 10 years. At a minimum, it contains to a national journal and reference to current international journals. Preferred references are primary sources of research reports (including thesis, thesis, dissertation) or research articles in journals and/or scientific magazines.
- Anything involving licensing of quotations or the use of computer software for the making of manuscripts or other issues related to intellectual property authored by the author of the article, together with the legal consequences which may arise thereof, shall be the sole responsibility of the author of the article.
- To facilitate communication with the author, the author must include an email address, mobile phone number, and correspondence address.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.